Why does everyone praise Japanese knife steel?

We’ll try to answer briefly. Centuries-old traditions of Japanese sword making (high level of labor division); modern unconditional success of Japanese “package” high-tech steels, combining several complex properties in the blade simultaneously; reverent attitude of ordinary Japanese workers to the result of their labor – and as a result, impeccable quality of the product in materials and everything! For the production of Samura knives, steels such as AUS8, AUS10, VG10 are used.

I don’t know whether to get a kitchen knife with single-sided sharpening or double-sided sharpening?

Japanese knives traditionally have single-sided sharpening on the right side of the blade. If such a knife is used to cut thin slices from a piece of meat or fish, the flat left side guides the knife, and the thin slices easily bend to the right. However, when cooking European dishes, where meat, fish, and vegetables are cut into larger pieces, such a knife is less manageable and tends to veer to the left, causing the cook to strain their hand additionally. European knives have symmetrical sharpening, and they don’t veer off during cutting; and if you need to chop salad or prepare a Japanese dish, the familiar symmetrical blade unconsciously turns slightly to the left and slices evenly. How is this possible? The answer is simple: Japanese people are accustomed to single-sided sharpened knives from childhood, while Europeans are more used to double-sided edges. So, if you are not a Sekunin (knife specialist), a sushi chef, or Japanese, choose a knife with double-sided sharpening.

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